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송준호 교수


Junho Song

위치첨단융합학부 18동 518호
학위박사 / 건설환경공학, 캘리포니아주립대학교 버클리
분야리스크, 신뢰성, 리질리언스 분석 및 최적화
학사: 서울대학교 토목공학과(토목공학, 1996)
석사: 서울대학교 토목공학과(구조공학, 1999)
박사: UC 버클리 건설환경공학과(구조신뢰성공학, 2004)
주요 경력
– 2000~2005: UC 버클리(학생연구원, 박사후연구원, 강사)
– 2005: Risk Management Solutions(Senior Vulnerability Engineer)
– 2005~2013: 일리노이주립대 건설환경공학과(조교수, 부교수(정년보장), CEE Excellence Faculty Scholar)
– 2014~현재: 서울대학교 건설환경공학부(차세대신진학자, 부교수(정년보장), 도시재난재해복원력융합연구센터장, 교수, 교무/연구 부학부장, InfraSPHERE 펠로우)
– 2017~2018: 카네기멜론대 Wilton E. Scott Institute for Energy Innovation(방문교수)
– 2021~2022: 서울대학교 공과대학(교무부학장 및 학장직무대리)
– 2023~현재: 서울대학교 첨단융합학부 설립준비단(단장)
주요 수상 및 영예
– 2009: Early Research Achievement Award(International Association for Structural Safety and Reliability)
– 2017: “2025년, 대한민국을 이끌 100대 기술과 주역” 선정(공학한림원)
– 2018: 한국공학한림원 일반회원(건설환경공학 분과) 선정
– 2018: 신양공학상(서울대학교 공과대학, 학술분야)
– 2023: 이병호우수강의상(서울대학교 공과대학)
– 2024: 한국공학한림원 정회원(건설환경공학 분과) 선정
최근 연구 성과
– 구조/시스템 신뢰성 해석 첨단 이론 개발(국제학술대회 기조강연 6회, 리뷰 논문 초청 등)
– 신뢰성 기반 최적화 및 의사결정 분야 난제 해결(美 ASCE학회 최우수학생논문 공저 등)
– 도시 커뮤니티/네트워크 레질리언스 확보를 위한 다학제 융합연구(도시재난재해복원력융합연구센터장 역임 등)
– 불규칙구조진동론 분야 첨단 이론 개발 및 적용(美 ASCE학회 최우수학생논문 공저 등)
B.S. Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea (1996): Civil Engineering
M.S. Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea (1999): Structural Engineering
Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, USA (2004): Structural Reliability
Professional Experience
– University of California, Berkeley: Graduate Student Researcher (2000-2004), Graduate Student Instructor (2002-2003), Postdoctoral Researcher and Lab Instructor (2004-2005)
– Risk Management Solutions, Inc.: Senior Vulnerability Engineer (2005)
– University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Assistant Professor (2005-2011), Senior Researcher at Information Trust Institute (2007-2013), Faculty Fellow at National Center for Supercomputing Applications (2009-2010), Associate Professor (2011-2013), CEE Excellence Faculty Scholar (2012-2013)
– Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Seoul National University: Next Generation Scholar (2014-present), Associate Professor (2014-2016), Director of Convergence Research Center for Disaster-Hazard Resilience (2015-2017), Professor (2016-present), Associate Department Head for Academic Affairs (2020), Associate Director of Education and Research Program of InfraSPHERE (2020-2021), InfraSPHERE Fellow (2022-present)
– Carnegie Mellon University: Visiting Scholar (Wilton E. Scott Institute for Energy Innovation, 2017-2018)
– College of Engineering, Seoul National University: Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Acting Dean (2021-2022)
– Establishment Committee for SNU School of Transdisciplinary Innovations: Chair (2023-present)
Honors and Awards (Selected)
– 2009: Early Research Achievement Award, International Association for Structural Safety and Reliability
– 2017: “100 Future Technologies and Leaders of Korea in 2025,” National Academy of Engineering of Korea (NAEK)
– 2018: Elected to NAEK as an Associate Member
– 2018: Shinyang Engineering Academic Award, College of Engineering, Seoul National University
– 2023: “Byoungho Lee” Outstanding Lecture Award, College of Engineering, Seoul National University
– 2024: Elected to NAEK as a Member
Recent Research Achievements
– Developed advanced theories for structural/system reliability analysis (gave 6 keynote lectures at international conferences and published an invited review paper)
– Solving challenges in reliability-based optimization and decision-making (co-authored the best student paper at an American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) conference)
– Multidisciplinary convergence research for urban community/network resilience (served as the Director of the Convergence Research Center for Disaster-Hazard Resilience)
– Development and application of advanced theories in the field of structural random vibrations (co-authored the best student paper at an ASCE conference)